The AwardsWatch Podcast
Podcasts from AwardsWatch on the Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, SAG and more.
AwardsWatch Oscar Podcast #2

In this podcast, recorded July 29th, Erik, Kenneth and Benjamin discuss their current Oscar predictions in the top 8 categories as well as reveal the July results of the AwardsWatch forums polls. Opening/Closing music by BoxCat Games. 

Direct download: AwardsWatch_Oscar_Podcast_3.mp3
Category:Oscars -- posted at: 9:24am PST

In this Emmy podcast, Erik, Matthew, Nathaniel and Jonathan discuss the 2012/2013 Emmy nominations announced on Thursday, July 18th and offer our thoughts on the good, the bad and ugly as well as immediate thoughts on who will win. The opening and closing music is the main title theme of Netfilx's House of Cards by Jeff Beal. 

Direct download: AwardsWatch_Emmy_podcast_2.mp3
Category:Emmys -- posted at: 1:46pm PST

AwardsWatch Oscar Podcast #1

In AwardsWatch's first Oscar podcast, AWers Erik, Hardy, Long and Richard discuss their Oscar predictions in the top 8 categories as well as the forums' collective predictions. 

Direct download: AwardsWatch_Oscar_Podcast_1.mp3
Category:Oscars -- posted at: 3:15pm PST

AwardsWatch Emmy podcast #1

In AwardsWatch's first podcast, Erik, Peter, Dennis and Michael discuss the upcoming Emmy nominations with their thought and predictions.

Direct download: AwardsWatch_Emmy_Podcast_1.mp3
Category:Emmys -- posted at: 11:15am PST