The AwardsWatch Podcast
Podcasts from AwardsWatch on the Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, SAG and more.
AwardsWatch Oscar Podcast #11: FINAL Oscar Predictions!

In this epic Oscar podcast, recorded February 25th, 2014, Erik, Ben, Kenneth and Peter discuss their final Oscar predictions, possibly change their minds in the middle of the conversation. Meanwhile, Erik forgets 12 Years a Slave isn't nominated for Original Score, Cate Blanchett gets unironic love from the group and one of the straight guys throws the biggest shade?

Settle in folks, because this 'cast clocks in at 2h 25m. But it's so worth it. 

Direct download: AwardsWatch_Oscar_Podcast_11.mp3
Category:Oscars -- posted at: 7:47am PST

Oscar Podcast #10: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 - BAFTA Preview and Predictions

In this podcast, Erik and Peter discuss their BAFTA predictions plus mull over the recent surge by Captain Phillips in some very important precursors. Oh, and Erik's house catches fire. 

Direct download: AwardsWatch_Oscar_Podcast_10.mp3
Category:Oscars -- posted at: 7:50am PST